OPIPA.com is a self-regulated online group of limited number of professional artists. For the chance to exhibit his/her work at this site artist have to apply for membership filling Request Form below. All new requests for inclusion are subject of approval. The full members have a right to vote for or against new inclusion. This way they keep up the quality of the group and control theirs total number.
To submit a request for membership you have to be professional artist, who design and produce his work exclusively by hand in his/her studio and gain a considerable portion of his/her income from the sale of his/her art. If you are such of artist you have to supply us online with direction to your work. For this purpose you have to use the PEQUEST FORM button below and fill in the form. In this form you have to fill your names, email and your website. If you do not have website you have to put a link to your works if they are uploaded somewhere in the network. As well you can upload portfolio or photos, if you prefer or in case you do not have website or any link to your work. In some way or another you have to provide at least 12 works to be your request valid. Please ensure your files end in .JPG, .TIFF, .GIF, .BMP, or .PDF and the image size have to be 72 dpi and up to 800 (x800) pixels.
When you send request, in the course of the 3 days full members of OPIPA.com will examine and vote your work and after that you will receive an email with the result. If the member´s decision is positive you will be provided in this email with details for access to easy of use administrative panel and you can start to upload data and images. Reckoning from this date your full membership starts and till 3 business days you have to pay your annual membership fee using PayPal. Every artist included in OPIPA.com pays €35.00 or $50.00 annual membership due reckoned from the date of his inclusion.
In the text block on the left you can acquaint with some of the membership benefits. All worldwide professional working artists are welcome to be a part of our group and we hope to see you and your work in OPIPA.com.
Copyright © 2025 OPIPA - Online Platform for Independent Professional Artists. All rights reserved.